The launch of HTTP1.1 in 19999 changed the game of internet. Websites have become more dynamic, relying on frameworks (such as WordPress), Script Libraries (such as JavaScript) and a multitude of customized themes, images and other resources that need to be loaded for each web page. While developers have gotten creative in dealing with these limitations (Minification \ Combining scripts & CSS, Image Sprites, Lazy Loading, etc.), it wasn't enough. The new Protocol has been designed to eliminate the need for many of these techniques and significantly speed up the response time of your website.
History of HTTP: Initially proposed by Tim Berners-Lee, HTTP was first released in 1991 to perform high-level data communication works between web servers and customers. In spite of the fact that the HTTP/1.1 convention has served the web for over fifteen years, the innovation is starting to age. In 2015, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) met up to overhaul HTTP/1.1 and built up the up and coming age of the application convention, to be known as HTTP/2. In February 2015, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) HTTP Working Group modified HTTP and built up the second real form of the application convention as HTTP/2. In May 2015, the HTTP/2 usage detail was formally institutionalized in light of Google's HTTP-good SPDY convention. The HTTP/2 versus SPDY contention proceeds all through the guide.
What was an issue with HTTP1.1? HTTP1.1 was restricted to preparing just a single exceptional demand for each TCP association, compelling programs to utilize various TCP associations with process numerous solicitations at the same time. In any case, utilizing excessively numerous TCP associations in parallel prompts TCP blockage that causes out of line syndication of system assets. Web programs utilizing different associations with process extra demands possess a more prominent offer of the accessible system assets, subsequently downsizing system execution for different clients. Issuing various solicitations from the program likewise causes information duplication on information transmission wires, which thusly requires extra conventions to separate the coveted data free of blunders toward the end-hubs. The web business was normally compelled to hack these requirements with practices, for example, area sharding, link, information inlining, and sprinting, among others. Inadequate utilization of the fundamental TCP associations with HTTP1.1 likewise prompts poor asset prioritization, causing exponential execution corruption as web applications development as far as intricacy, usefulness, and stack area sharding. The web has developed well past the limit of inheritance HTTP-based systems administration innovations. The center characteristics of HTTP1.1 created over 10 years prior have opened the ways to a few humiliating execution and security escape clauses. The Cookie Hack, for example, permits cybercriminals to reuse a past working session to bargain account passwords in light of the fact that HTTP1.1 gives no session endpoint-personality offices. While the comparable security concerns will keep on haunting HTTP2, the new application convention is planned with better security capacities, for example, the enhanced usage of new TLS highlights.
Benefit of HTTP2: Stacking a site page is asset escalated, as HTTP/1.1 just permits one extraordinary demand for every TCP association. With HTTP/2, multiplexing was presented, permitting various demands in the meantime, and in this manner accelerating the way toward conveying pages and substance. The innovation additionally implies that just a single association with the server is utilized when stacking a site, which stays open as long as the site is open. This decreases the quantity of round treks that are required to set up various TCP associations. Extra advantages incorporate server pushing, enabling extra assets to be sent to a customer for sometime later, and prioritization, enabling solicitations to be doled out contingent upon their level of significance to a specific website page. Header pressure with HPACK compressions is additionally incorporated into HTTP/2 to diminish overhead.