There could be hundreds of reasons that may lead to loss of website data. But, if you keep regular backup of your website data, it can save you from nightmares. With website backup, you can quickly get your website running again like nothing ever happened. Here, we will see why you should keep a regular backup of your website, followed by how you can create website backup.
Reasons to save a regular backup of website data:
It is always better safe than sorry: Mishaps are inevitable. So, it’s always better to be precautionary in advance, than to be sorry later. Website data are invaluable for any business and its loss is irreparable. There could be several reasons for the data loss, but the way to overcome such catastrophic situation is only one, and that is ‘regular backup.’
Device failure: One of the most common reasons for website data loss is the failure of hard drive where the data is stored. A reputed data center services providers will always have the swappable and spare hard drive installed in the server. You should always ask your service provider about the website backup options offered by them.
Human error: To err is human! This is another common reason for website data loss. Many a times, employees or other users accidentally delete some important files and it’s over. Only backup comes as a savior.
Hackers, Malware, and Viruses: Hackers make all possible attempts to steal confidential information by hacking your website. Apart from this, malware and viruses may slip into your systems and you may not even notice them unless they have completely eaten up all your important system components and it starts performing sluggishly. Moreover, they may even transfer all the sensitive data to remote hackers.
Website Update issues: More than often, there is likeliness of data loss when upgrading the website components like plugins, themes, software etc. WordPress always notifies with a command to take a data backup before updating the website.
Popular methods for creating Website Data Backup:
Cloud Backup: Cloud is the most popular and efficient data backup method.
Manual Backup: Secondly, manually store the backup data to at least two hard drives, in case one of the drive fails, the other can be used for data recovery.
Automated Backups: There are many backup plug-ins available which create automated scheduled backup of the entire data of the website.
Web host’s Backup as a Service option: Many of the reliable web host providers offer backup as a service. Ask your provider about such options.